DDRC SRL diagnostic medical center is one of the best diagnostic lab in India, diagnostic center services in Kerala. DDRC SRL blood test center in Kerala are located in various places includes Trivandrum, Ernakulam, Pathanamthitta, Muvattupuzha, Thrissur, Kannur, etc, as it is Kerala?s largest diagnostic chain. Their vision is to become the suggested choice of the medical fraternity and the end-consumer in medical diagnostic services by setting the highest benchmarks in quality, expertise, and services. DDRC SRL radiology diagnostic centre provides around 3500 above diagnostic and laboratory tests likes Nuclear Medicine, Image Therapy, Ultrasound, Radiography, Electrocardiogram, Echocardiography, genomics testing labs, etc. With our diagnostic excellence and exponentially expanding non-path services, plans to become a one-stop solution for the wellness needs of every customer.
Category: Health & Beauty
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