44 apartment building for sale in Lanaudiere

Income property 44 apartments multiplex for sale Le Gardeur Repentigny Lanaudiere ( 10 minutes from Montreal ) - Built on concrete slab all brick no basement rare on the market. Part of the roof has been redone. Possibility of increasing rental income good condition. Some apartments have been renovated great opportunity for the future owner to optimize income. For more information Jean DreauReal Estate BrokerServices immobiliers Immotep IncVendirect Inc514-562-3377 www.immotep.caImmeuble revenu 44 logements multiplex vendre Le Gardeur Repentigny Lanaudi re ( 10 minutes de Montr al )--- Construit sur dalle de b ton tout brique pas de sous-sol rare sur le march . Une partie du toit a t refaite. Possibilit d augmenter revenus locatifs bon tat g n ral. Certains appartements ont t r nov s mais il reste une belle opportunit pour le futur propri taire pour optimiser les revenus. Pour plus d information Jean Dr auCourtier immobilierServices immobiliers Immotep IncVendirect Inc514-562-3377 www.immotep.ca



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