What Is Physiotherapy for Your Pelvic Floor

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy East Gwillimbury directly targets the muscles of the pelvic floor. The assessment and treatment of these muscles involve internal rectal or vaginal palpation. A physiotherapist specially trained with pelvic floor issues will be able to prepare you for labour and delivery. A pelvic floor physiotherapist will also be able to work with you to repair these muscles after childbirth.Prenatal PhysiotherapyThe physiotherapist here at Ultimate Health Clinic is here to help get your pelvic floor ready for the delivery of your child. They will be qualified to help you limit or prevent damage to your pelvic floor muscles. During pregnancy the weight placed on this area increases as the child grows. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles through physiotherapy will help deter common complications. Issues like pain in the lower back incontinence and pelvic pressure can be avoided. Once the end of your pregnancy draws near physiotherapy can be used to stretch the pelvic floor muscles. This is accomplished through perineal massage. Our physiotherapist will also demonstrate methods of relieving discomfort and proper pushing timings during labour.Postpartum PhysiotherapyThere is customarily trauma to the pelvic floor during childbirth. Time and again pelvic muscles are torn and stretched. After 6 weeks it s usually safe to resume routine activities. When the pelvic floor is unrehabilitated it can result in back pain incontinence pelvic organ prolapse and much more.Our pelvic floor physiotherapist will help you resume your life and regular exercise routines. We will check for diastasis while working to restore your core. Scar tissue on the pelvic floor paired with muscle hypersensitivity often causes pain during intercourse. Working with our physiotherapist postpartum will help soften those tissues and decrease pain.Dysfunction PhysiotherapyEven without childbirth pelvic floor dysfunction may occur. The pelvic floor may also develop dysfunction as a woman ages past her childbearing years. Working with a pelvic floor physiotherapist can help remedy issues such as Fecal Incontinence Persistent Pelvic Pain Urinary Incontinence Diastasis Recti Pelvic Organ Prolapse Nocturia Dyspareunia Vulvodynia Nocturia Interstitial Cystitis Top Reasons to Visit a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist While PregnantPhysiotherapy for the pelvic floor is more common than it was before. Women have come to learn what their pelvic floor is and how it is affected throughout pregnancy and childbirth. There is still a misconception that visiting a physiotherapist should only happen after the birth. Listed below are the top reasons to visit prior to childbirth.Strengthen the Pelvic FloorWhen you are pregnant your pelvic floor muscles change due to stress and hormones. They also change due to the adjustments in your posture and the excess weight from the baby. By strengthening the pelvic floor many common issues can be prevented.Improved OutcomesThere are studies that prove strengthening an area before undergoing surgery can speed recovery times. The same is true for childbirth and pelvic floor preparation. Strengthening your muscles ahead of the birth will reduce or even prevent tears strains and stretching during delivery.Trauma LimitationWorking with a pelvic floor physiotherapist will help you learn how to reduce injuries that can occur during delivery. This can be performed through perineal massage learning effective pushing methods and more.How We Can HelpVisiting a physiotherapist before the birth will allow you to dedicate more time to your care without the need to bring a baby to your visits. You will be able to learn about the birth process and what to expect during and after birth. If you are ready to set up an appointment give Ultimate Health Clinic a call at 905-251-0162 today.



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