Employers have the responsibility to provide reasonable accommodations to employees with disabilities who can still perform the essential functions of a job with or without accommodation. When employers fail to provide reasonable accommodation or discriminate against employees because of a disability they can be held legally accountable. Westlake Village Disability Discrimination Lawyer from The Kaufman Law Firm can help employees who have been victims of disability discrimination take advantage of their protections under state and federal employment laws.
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Uncommon Counsel is ready to help your legal team or corporation with any legal need;...
Get information about Name Search services including for child support judgements and lien search. Learn...
Scarlett Rose
If you own a small business or are a sole proprietor and your business is...
Szabo Law Group, P.A
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Petro Shadrach
Dehradun is a popular travel destination for many tourists and it is the gateway to...
Neha Sharma
Do you want to go to Manali Shimla Kufri or other hill towns Taxi service...
Neha Sharma
A Massachusetts motor vehicle accident lawyer is necessary for filing a personal injury lawsuit in...
Ladas Law
Call us on to acquire the informative advice on the divorce issues by these Profesal...
Adelaide Family Lawyers
Bodner Law is a prestigious Law firm in New York USA with comprehensive skill set...
Jonathan Bodner