R. K. Aqua Fresh India 15-Liters ROUVUFTDS Adjuster Water Purifi

DescriptionRk aquafresh Ro system in india is a leader in Uv water purification technology and has designed the aqua fresh best water purifier system in india to meet demanding Ce and Iso 9001 2015 certified standards with the following features Award winning design The aqua fresh Ro water purifier system s award winning design in delhi Ncr makes it the perfect solution to provide safe pure water whenever and wherever needed from the dinner table to your next camping adventure you can be sure that your family s health is our first priority. Bacteria and virus free Aqua fresh Ro Uv technology destroys microbes bacteria and viruses. The water quality is automatically monitored without any user interaction technology We use latest and best Ro Uf Uv mineral catridges iron remover Tds adjuster technology to the various requirement of commercial and domestic products with one year warranty. Purification capacity started from 10 Ltr Hr to more than 50000 Ltr Hr. We also customize water purifiers machines in india according to client needs to provide 100 percent satisfaction to them with huge savings.Buy Now Amazon



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