Huge Auction Saturday November 16th Open to the Public

Get ready to fill your shop or home with some of the finest pieces around. We have an exquisite floor this week featuring some old and new like.....Antique 1800 s German beautifully hand carved dining table drop front desks model home furnishings--sofas cabinets dressers night stands brand new mattresses king queen twin adjustable bases for queen and twin mattress covers lamps and we are just getting started So go ahead and mark your calendar to join us this Saturday November 16th at Magnolia Gardens Auction House bring some friends and make it a memorable night out.We are super excited about the floor this week we have a so many got to have pieces you won t want to miss one minute Corner Cabinets vintage jewelry adorable bolt and screw vases hand knotted carpets gas fire pit industrial lights nesting tables Haddorff piano and so much more We take seat reservations any time by calling 281-516-7251 713-363-4855 or our convenient link on our Facebook page which if you don t follow us on Facebook you should this is one of the best ways to get daily post and pictures for the up coming week. Our doors open at 5pm for previewing the floor and the sale starts at 7pm. Visit us at Thank you for your continuing supportTina Murphy 16380Items Sold As Is16% Buyers PremiumCash Check and Charge AcceptedOpen to the Public



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