Jackshund Puppies

Jackshund s are an up and coming popular breed as they re a Jack Russell and Dachshund mix. Born September 1st they will be ready for their furever homes the 2nd weekend of November. They will have been vet checked given deworming tratments and all shots up to 8 weeks. At only seven weeks they re eating dry puppy food doing great at using pee pads they re playful and very cuddly. Their Mother is a Jackshund breed (8-10 lbs) and Father is a full breed Dachshund (15-17 lbs) they re both on site. We have One Female Athena for ( 500) and One Male Basilisk also known as Bazzel for ( 400). If you re interested a non refundable 200 deposit towards the full purchase price is to be made to hold a Pup. For more info please feel free to contact me.



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