GSD gsd mix pitbull husky mix

My sister and her fiance need to re-home their animals due to downsizing on their house and loosing their jobs they are unable to care for them there are rehoming fees for each. Photos are in the order below.German Shepard - almost 2 female not fixed great with kids dogs and cats must have heart guard 1 time a month house and crate trained 100 rehoming feeGsd hound mix - almost 2 male not fixed great with kids dogs and cats super laid back and relaxed house and crate trained 100 rehoming feePitbull - almost 3months not fixed great with kids and dogs and cats crate training going well not potty trained but working on it. 120 rehoming feeHusky mix - 2 years old fixed great with other animals and kids potty and crate trained 100 rehoming fee



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