Address 1111 Boulevard VanierLaval QC H7C 2R5Phone 450-238-0188Website s residencevanier.caEmail info(at)residencevanier.caKeywords residence laval r sidence personne ag e laval residence pour retrait autonome residence personne age r sidence vanier kinzo vanier residence a laval residence pour personne ag e laval r sidence pour retrait s laval r sidence pour personnes ag es autonomes logement pour personnes ag es r sidences retrait s autonomes appartement pour retrait autonome logement personne ag e autonome maison pour personne ag e autonome maison m dicalis e pour personnes ag es r sidence de personnes ag es laval r sidences pour personnes g es autonomes laval vanier residenceDescription Residence Vanier located in Laval is a residence for independent seniors that has made its reputation over time. The residence has just finished skin-changing in 2019 it s the perfect time to enjoy a quality and affordable retirement home
Category: Office Services
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