Cost of vitiligo treatment in Ludhiana

Vitiligo is a condition which causes depigmentation of the skin parts and is characterized by the presence of white patches. This condition occurs when melanocytes cells which are responsible for the pigment of the skin die or are not able to function properly. Dr. Shikha Aggarwal provides the best treatment for Vitiligo treatment in Ludhiana. In most of the cases vitiligo can be treated by medication. In some cases medication does not help in recovering so advanced treatments are recommended. PUVA light therapy NB-UVB light therapy excimer laser surgical procedures are recommended for treating vitiligo. The cost of vitiligo treatment in Ludhiana depends on the severity of the patient s condition and the treatment provided. The treatments offered at Bliss Laser Skin Clinic for vitiligo are advanced and effective. Disclaimer - Content and images on this post are for information purpose only.



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