Get closer to affluent homes in Jasmine Grove 9266850850

Get a taste of next gen living standard with Jasmine Grove that offers splendid 2 and 3 BHK ready to move apartments that are loaded with wide array of facilities in a posh location at NH 24 Ghaziabad. This is one of the top projects in Ghaziabad offering these apartments in the sizes ranging in between 1095 Sq. Ft. to 2115 Sq. Ft. with a starting price of only Rs. 26.26 Lac . To know more about the price please visit Jasmine Grove Price List. Project Highlights 80% Open AreaFeatured Entrance GateGDA Approved 4 Acre Free Hold LandClub House with all modern facilitiesLow Density Project in close proximityHigh speed lifts in towers with lift manG 19 Storey Building with Double Basement Parking Project Details Project Name Jasmine GroveLocation NH 24 Ghaziabad2BHK Flat Area 1095 sq. ft.Price 26.26 Lac Contact Details for Booking Call 9266850850 Website



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