Crossfit Training and HIIT Training In Kolkata Rave Fitness Stu

CrossFit is constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity. All CrossFit workouts are based on functional movements and these movements reflect the best aspects of gymnastics weightlifting running rowing and more. These are the core movements of life. They move the largest loads the longest distances so they are ideal for maximizing the amount of work done in the shortest time. Intensity is essential for results and is measurable as work divided by time or power. The more work you do in less time or the higher the power output the more intense the effort. By employing a constantly varied approach to training functional movements and intensity lead to dramatic gains in fitness.If your goal is to burn fat interval training should be part of your workout program. The magic of high intensity interval training (or HIIT for short) is that it keeps your body burning fat even after you leave the gym. These workouts are specifically designed to give optimum and fast results.Visit s services PH 033 40042500Mail contact(at)ravefitnessstudio.comADD 220 A.J.C. Bose Road Kolkata 700017 West Bengal India



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