wood stove WINTER KNIGHT reduced

Just when you were about to give up on your glorious quest to find that PERFECT wood stove (at) the perfect price along comes your KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMORE . When it comes to high quality premium wood stoves the WINTER KNIGHT certainly fits the bill. Certainly no Asian junk here .this massively built beauty you are looking at was manufactured by Steel King Industries right here in Wisconsin. It is ideal for any home installation because it is so versatile. Its sturdy footing make it an elegant non-catalytic highly efficient free standing wood stove. Double baffled. The large fully fire brick [26 in all] lined firebox allows 22 logs for those ALL NIGHT burns and the massive cast iron doors with graphite impregnated gaskets boast twin draft control wheels for perfect burn control. In addition when the doors are fully open and the dedicated screen is in place you have a beautiful fireplace to compliment that favorite wine hot dog marshmallow roasting or even (at)%. Easily heats 1.5-2.0 K SQ and measures 30 W x 35 H x 28 D. So efficient and clean burning this woodstove meets EPA standards and is UL approval. Includes the optional dedicated whisper quiet blower and rear lower heat shields. Originally 1 750.00 in 1986 dollars but yours for just 675. Standard 8 vertical flue collar and an amazingly simple ash removal system. Approx. 500 pounds of dense cast iron and high quality 3 8 boiler plate steel make this wood stove a fine example of quality American craftsmanship that is so rarely found today in the big box stores. Winter might as well be here. With proper care this wood stove will last generations and will more than pay for itself this winter alone. Simply call or e-mail. That s all.



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