Hoomeda DIY Wood Dollhouse Miniature With LED Furniture Cover Do

Feature Morning brilliant light house using rice bulbs bulbs and wires have been soldered instructions were followed in accordance with the instructions the power cord.Products for ordinary battery box switch AA battery-powered easy to use.In order to protect the surface of the glass sheet using kraft paper covering the surface of the way you can see the torn paper dust cover to prevent dust from falling into the hut.Package Size 18cm 15cm 8cmProduct Size 14.6cm 10.5cm 10.2cmWeight 480gFit for 14 years of age or older.Cautions This toy uses insert 3 AG 13 batteries.Batteries are to be inserted with the correct polarity.Do not mix old and new batteries.Do not mix alkaline standard or rechargeble batteries.Remove and safely dispose exhausted batteries immediately.Package Included Wood wood floor organic films DustBrochures lamps white latexAccessories cloth plastic wood silk paper ect.Ships in 7 business days. It is shipped from China. Delivery is provided by China Post Air Mail. Delivery time depends on the couriers local customs in your country also holidays weather conditions. Usually it takes from 39 to 60 days depending on the customs at your country.



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