Order Now LED Downlights At Best Price

Available at attractive prices buy these LED Downlights from online store LEDMyplace.com with 5 years warranty and install a stylish light in your indoor spaces. Available in various sizes these downlights are sufficient to serve all your indoor lighting requirements.Here are some salient features of LED Downlight Fixtures Wattage input up to- 40 watt Replaces halogen downlights up to - 250 watt High CRI> 90 CCT - 3000K to 5000K Rebate-eligible Dimmable 3000 lumens output ETL-Listed Energy-Star-Certified 50 000 hours life expectancy 5-Years manufacturer warranty LEDMyplace brings you a range of lights to choose from like- Baffle trim Square-shaped Eye-ball shaped and Disk-light. So ready to install and get rid of dark spots. Just make a call to us on (815-697-5223).



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