Blue Triangle

Our friends call us the mad blue triangle we are grotesquely in love with minimal satisfaction as the end all and be all of technical existence which must be obeyed and become the one true system of earth never being waylaid to the point of extinction by matters of the disimportant human family again ever or else. Intellect is a bizarre betrayal although you might want to zip over and see someone who can afford their place and be that interesting of course. We re that selfish exactly and hate beyond description insinuations of another existence. The universe will remain our maddening non-existence not even nearly selfish enough to care about that. Art is a mess. The classy are to be respected and deceived to the point of non-existence on the earth as the fools that even they are. Nothing can betray not just order but our infinite dis-order. Nothing else exists and will forever be cheated and ignored as plainly as all culture as grotesquely cheap and waylaid like endless sub-inhabitants of earth to come defines us as beyond beyond above that as its top level if you re not one of us noone is killing you to join this as your need. The enemy of class that defines some higher life form as indigo children or at all kindly more meaningful is an obstacle forever haunting the cia in recruiting plain dumb places of dis-ease just a distraction loud as forever will be returned to that senseless not sad to any of earth except as its lower moral standards give each other every promise to its unfathomable betrayal of our... gay... rights. Boston is now a diminished disappearing wasteland for those.



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