Indiabulls Properties Sector 79 Gurgaon

Sector 79 in Gurgaon is emerging as the residential hub as various multi national companies surround the area. One of the primary reasons of its popularity as a residential area is also because of the Dwarka-expressway NH-8 and Golf course road being located nearby. The sector 79 is surrounded by greenery and is still a peaceful location to dwell in. It is well connected to the other parts of Gurgaon and the proposed metro station is also coming up soon very close to sector 79. Being located at the foot of the Aravalli Hills it has great scenic beauty among the hustle bustle of Gurgaon. There are various resorts located in this area. Parallelly there are reputed schools colleges hospitals banks markets etc situated across sector 79. The price of the properties here are still low and quite affordable.For more information



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