1999 FORD F250

1999 FORD F250 HABLAMOS ESPANOL Vin 1FTNX20L7XEC79466 Engine 5.4-liter Triton V8 235 HP Mileage Millaje 291 844 4DR Seats5 Cloth 18 16 MPG 4X4 GAS Cash 2 850 Down Payment 1 200.0Payment plans available IN OUT of State ID s Passport Consulate Card NO CREDIT CHECK Licensia Fuera de Estado Matricula Consular PassaporteLocation Ubicacion MEGAAUTOPLEXofLR 5207SUniversityAveLittleRockAR72209Questions Call or Text Preguntas Llamame ROBIN 5 0 1 5 6 8 9 5 4 0 5.4-liter Cash & In House Financing & LAYAWAY AVAILABLE 5 0 1 5 6 8-9 5 4 0



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