Woodfield squash club

Sat within the picturesque setting of Woodland Park this state of the art facility is perfect for all gym goers no matter what size shape or level of ability. The air-conditioned fitness suite is lined with top of the range cardio equipment including treadmills rowers cross trainers and static bikes. If you would prefer to pump some iron you can use the selection of free weights consisting of 300kg of plates Olympic bars and dumbbells ranging from 1kg to 52.5kg. There is also a wide variety of resistance machines that customers have access to.The gym is run by a team of friendly expert staff who are more than happy to share their knowledge where required so don t hesitate to ask if you have any questions about the equipment or your workout.Business overviewWOODFIELD SQUASH AND LEISURE CLUB - Squash Courts - Gym - Saunas - Sports BarGYM-Our gym is FULLY AIR CONDITIONED with extensive cardio equipment and free weights area with dumbbells up to 50kg.-Our fully qualified gym instructors and personal trainers are on hand to provide inductions and fitness consultations as well as any nutritional and lifestyle advice you may require to achieve your dream physique.Ring 01302 639409 or drop in for a gym induction Prices -Single session 4.50-12 months direct debit 28 month or 300 paid in full (save 36 half price classes)-24 months direct debit 25 month or 590 (save 82 half price classes)SQUASH-We have four squash courts available for booking by both members and non-members. We also offer coaching with fully qualified coaches and professional squash players.-Non-members booking 5 per person per court-Members booking 3 per person per court-Membership cost Adults 95 per annumChildren 20 per annum



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