HDI Microvia PCB

Today these electronic gadgets in the market have carved a special niche and with the flexible printed circuit a number of other related accessories and PCB printed circuit boards like the HDI Microvia PCB different manufacturers have also come up with the growing demand of these innovative appliances. The specific requirement of their potential clients and customers are kept in mind of manufacturers involved in the formulating of these boards and thus all the required parameters are comprised in design PCB.Contact InfoHigh Quality PCB Co. LimitedOffice address Shajing Town Baoan District Shenzhen Guangdong 518000 ChinaPlant 1 address Building 5-6 Fu Qiao 3rd Industrial Zone Bao an Shenzhen Guangdong China. Plant 2 address Zhuhai Guangdong ChinaPlant 3 address Dongguan Guangdong ChinaTEL 86-755-23724206Skype shawnwang2006Email sales(at)efpcb.com



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