Best Doctor for Parkinson Disease in Bangalore Parkinson Diseas

Dr. Sanjiv C C is the Best Doctor for Parkinson Disease in Bangalore. If you want to diagnosed with Parkinson s Disease our Specialist in Basavanagudi will work closely with you to create a treatment plan focused on providing relief from your symptoms and maintaining your quality of life. Parkinson s disease occurs when the dopamine-producing nerve cells in the brain die or become impaired. Dopamine allows for the smooth coordinated movement of the body s muscles. As these cells become damaged change becomes jerky and uncontrolled. The symptoms of this degenerative disease appear when approximately 80% of these cells are damaged.Symptoms Of Parkinson s DiseaseParkinson s disease usually develops gradually often starting with a barely noticeable tremor in just one hand. As the disease progresses vital signs include Shaking (Tremor) Slowness of movement Stiffness Difficulty with balance While the symptoms of Parkinson s disease result from a lack of dopamine we do not fully understand what causes the nerve cells to deteriorate. Research of this condition is ongoing.



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