Plush villas with a warm neighbourhood

Welcome to Hyderabad s first cluster villa registered with TS RERA approved by HMDA. Ramky Discovery City presents you The Huddle close-knit 3 & 4 BHK community villa s which offer amenities and indoor & outdoor facilities for your entertainment and convenience. Starting from Rs. 1.30Crores onwards near Hyderabad international airport Adibatla. Now pay just 10% and avail 90% home loan from bank. Limited Period Offer Call 91775 55000 for further details or visit s our_projects hyderabad near-shamshabad-international-airport 3bhk-villas residential the-huddle Exclusive amenities & facilities 1. Swimming Pool 2. Gymnasium Facility 3. Multipurpose Hall 4. Guest rooms in Club House 5. Provision for Yoga Aerobics Meditation Hall 6. Provision for Departmental Store 7. Provision for ATM 8. Provision for Medical Store



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