Dance Fitness Studio

Hi everyone I am a licensed Zumba and Strong by Zumba instructor I have my own studio in Noida. I am a Teacher by proffesion and a Fitness Coach by choice. Why should you join me YOU BURN 700 CALORIES IN ONE ZUMBA CLASS. IT MELTS FAT AWAY SOONER THAN ANY OTHER ROUTINE ZUMBA IS A DANCE INSPIRED FITNESS WORKOUT WHICH MAKES IT MORE FUN THAN ANY OTHER ROUTINE. IT S GREAT FO RWEIGHT LOSS AND MUSCLE TONING. IT BOOSTS YOUR HEART HEALTH IT HELPS YOU GAIN MOBILITY AND AGILITY AND INCREASES YOUR PHYSICAL ENDURANCE. IT HELP S YOU DE-STRESS IT IMPROVES BRAIN TO NERVES COORDINATION. IT S A TOTAL BODY WORKOUT AND MOST IMPORTANTLY ZUMBA MAKES YOU HAPPY. Zumba is a group activity where we sweat together and become stronger together. IT IS NOT JUST A DANCE CLASS. Come in for a free trial class and you will understand what I mean. xoxoxox see you guys soon. NeaaBOOK YOUR FREE TRIAL TODAY ( 9899215135 9990833100)



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