Would Physical Therapy Help with Anxiety and Depression

The answer is YES. Struggling with anxiety and depression can cause sufferers to withdraw socially and emotionally. It can interfere with work school relationships and even the ability to perform basic activities of daily living. Getting better can begin with these different types of physical therapy that can help by reducing cortisol and adrenaline and by increasing serotonin and dopamine. The sensation of touch can activate the skin s pressure receptors. It can also have an impact on the relationship to your physical self allowing you to feel more present and aware in your own body. It will also reinforce feelings of comfort and relaxation.To read more about how physio therapy and anxiety and depression are linked visit our blog www.ultimatehealthclinic.ca blog massage-therapy-tips-news physical-therapy-help-anxiety-depression Are you looking to get started with physiotherapy in East Gwillimbury Visit the Ultimate Health Clinic online or call us to book an appointment



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