DGPS stands for Differential global positioning system. DGPS is widely used in surveying applications like recording of points setting up of ground control points staking out and various other applications. DGPS is based on satellite technology. It determines its positions from the relative location of other satellites. It provides Northing Easting and Elevation of any point on the surface of earth provided the receiver is connected to a minimum of four satellites. DGPS is based on satellite technology. It determines its positions from the relative location of other satellites. It provides Northing Easting and Elevation of any point on the surface of earth provided the receiver is connected to a minimum of four satellites.RTK is the most used type of survey using DGPS. In this the corrections will be real time and the user can see the corrected values of coordinates instantly. Further there is no need of processing the data in office and can be directly used for field applications. It provides a positional accuracy of around 2 cm which suffices for most of the construction industry.Email -galaxygeomatics8(at)gmail.com.com Phone No - 91 9959112994



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