Cupping Massage Holland Landing

Cupping therapy is an ancient method in which a therapist creates local suction by placing the cups on the skin. The underlying tissue is drawn up into the cup forming an area of blood stasis. This appears to bruise the area or turn it a bright or dark red depending on the degree of stagnation and the amount of toxins in the blood.Cupping is able to draw Blood from as much as four inches below the skin s surface to recirculate fresh blood and bring old blood to the surface to be cleaned by the lymphatic system.Our cupping massage in Holland Landing will help with pain inflammation blood flow relaxation well-being and as a type of deep-tissue massage.It can help remove toxins from the body and encourage the blood flow lymph and Qi to the affected area and the entire body. It is an effective treatment for clients with the cold and flu fever coughs back and muscle pain poor circulation red itchy skin conditions (however cups are not applied to irritated areas) allergies aches and numerous other pains.Visit us online to learn more about the benefits of cupping or to book your next appointment



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