Kitchen waste compost machine- Best Kitchen Waste Compost Maker

Kitchen waste compost machine- Best Kitchen Waste Compost MakerCall us- 9958858881The composter machine is a digestive system that functions with its special technique to decompose all sort of organic wastes within a short span of time.Bio-degradable wastes are converted into bio energy in our Organic Waste composter. With the right conditions (air and moisture) organic waste such as food and plant materials like grass and leaves can be decomposed by organisms like bacteria fungi and worms. In this equipment only biodegradable wastes are used for composting and this process turns the organic waste into nutrient rich compost and fertilizers that can be used in agriculture.FeaturesCan generate 15 to 20 kg of organic compost by processing up to 100 kg of waste in a day. 1 HP motor It is environment friendly process. The machine is noiseless as well as odourless. The machine has a long life and compact size. The organic waste is turned into nutrient rich compost and fertilizers that can be used in agriculture farming and gardening. Composting is a fully natural and biological process which must be adopted for controlling pollution and for improving our soil s fertility. Technical Specifications Weight - Ranging from 100 kg to 1500 kg (as per requirement) Volume reduction - 85-90% Dimension - Depends on the quantity of waste creation per day Power consumption - 1.5 to 5 HP (Single Three phase) Machine operation - Fully automatic Parts of Machine Shredder inbuilt heating system mixing blades composting tank moisture control and air ventilation system dehydrator (on customer demand) etc Call us- 9958858881Visit Our Official Site kitchen-waste-composting-machine



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