What is the main cause of cerebral palsy

Cerebral Palsy is caused due to brain injury as well as abnormal development of brain. The brain of a child may not develop properly before or during birth. Likewise the brains of certain children do not develop properly within five years after birth. Despite being a non-progressive neurological disorder Cerebral Palsy affects a child s motor function and muscle movement. Often orthopaedic find it difficult to identify the exact cause of Cerebral Palsy. But they diagnose the neurological disorder based on common causes like bacterial infection bleeding in the brain head injury or lack of oxygen to brain. Contact with us Kids Orthopedic Clinic53C 15 Ground Floor Dr. Suresh Chandra Banerjee Road Beliaghata PS Kolkata West Bengal 700010Ph No 91 9051 148 463Email us drsoumyapaik(at)gmail.comFor more info www.kidsorthopedic.com



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