Install LED Wall Packs to Keep Criminals Away From Your Homes

The increasing number of criminal cases has made us more worried regarding the safety and security of our loved ones which is targeted by the people with a criminal mindset. Of course the safety of your family members is your top priority but by installing powerful outdoor lights you can prevent all kind of criminal activities. Robbers or thieves don t target those places which have proper visibility and therefore you can install LED wall packs to ensure maximum safety. Among various wall packs install Traditional LED Wall Pack Light 13 Watt so that criminals can stay away.Other benefits of installing 13w LED wall packs are as follows The lumen output of these 13w LED wall packs is 1700 lumens and the Color Temperatures is 4000K. You can replace 25w MH lights with these 23w LED wall pack lights to make at least 75% energy savings. Once installed you can start these lights instantly without experiencing any kind of buzzing and flickering which otherwise you will find in case of traditional lights. Comes with a lifespan of at least 50 000 hours. Also these lights are eco-friendly lights and don t contain mercury halogen or lead inside them that otherwise can pollute the environment. Comes with a wider beam angle of greater than 110 degrees. Since these lights are DLC approved so you will get rebates and incentives from the power companies as well. While buying these wall packs also you will get 5 Year Warranty from the manufacturer s end. So let the criminals stay away from entering your property with the help of these powerful and energy efficient LED wall packs that are a perfect way to reduce the growing robberies etc.



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