When Calling About This Property Please Provide This Reference Number O5752848 Your Name Email Contact Number FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL WILLIAM CHILI FISCHBACH - (407) 4.7.6- Family - Bed 3 Bath 1 Sq. Ft 1 303 Year Built 1960Act FAST DON T MISS THIS Casual Comfortable Florida Living with a View This home shouts out with a Key West Style from the Terrazzo Floors to the Awning style windows for 100% Airflow. Sits on a small lake with wild life and water vegetation. Lovely view for having your morning coffee out by the Pond or entertaining on the screened in patio in the evenings. It has been well taken care of with a New Roof in September of 2018 (Architectural Shingles & Modified over the screened in porch). New A C etc. .. Very Near Lake Conway and Public Boat Ramp. Great location for Public Transportation all Attractions Beachline and major Highways Airport Shopping Medical etc. With all the New Development currently going on and future planning for South Orange Ave. This is a great opportunity Don t Miss this This Home is for sale only. This is not a Rental Property. Do you have 620 credit score on your job for 2 years or more and you are capable of making a monthly payment Ask me how you can qualify to own this home without taking a single 1 out of your pocket until your first payment is due 30-45 days after you move in. Note all terms are subject to credit approval. First time home buyer Please call (407) 4.7.6- to see if you qualify for one of our 0 down 0 closing costs programs. Note all terms are subject to credit approval. Contact Information William Chili Fischbach Realtor AMERITEAM REALTY Phone (407) 4.7.6- Listing Provided By Nancy Strickland STRICKLAND REALTY GROUP INC



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