Medical Garden Starts

Ommp startsVery well rootedSeveral varietiesSo here is the low down on my flavors.Creme Burlee- rare indica. Crossed with platinum kush og kush and girl scout cookie.Thc 20%Geleto- indica dominant. Crossed with thin mint girl scout cookie and sunset sherbert. Thc 20%Strawberry Trainwreck- sativa dominant. Crossed with strawberry cough and trainwreck.Thc 20%Purple Trainwreck- sativa dominant. Crossed with granddaddy purple and trainwreck.Thc 20%Jack s Cleaner- sativa dominant. Crossed with jack herer and the cleaner.Thc 17%Oregon Diesel- indica dominant. Crossed with NYC diesel and blackberry.Thc 22%Game Changer- 60 40 indica dominant. Crossed with california s purple dragon and green thai.Thc 21%Super Silver Haze- sativa dominant. Crossed with skunk northern lights and haze.Thc 23%541 659 9527 12.00 ea



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