Legal and Identity Theft Plans

Do you need an attorney to help assist with a Will Live Will Tickets Family Matters or Identity Theft.All in the Family-or Single prices 270109Highlights of our LegalShield Plans Standard Will PreparationMoving Traffic Violation (i.e. Speeding Tickets) RepresentationUnlimited Telephone ConsultationLetters and Phone Calls on Your BehalfUncontested Separation Divorce RepresentationContract Document ReviewPreparation of a Living Will and Health Care Power of AttorneyTrial Defense ServicesUncontested Adoption RepresentationIRS Audit Legal Services24 7 Emergency Access25% Preferred Member Discount 270109Highlights of our IDShield Plan Security Monitoring including SSN Credit Card Numbers Bank Account Numbers Court Records and Credit InquiriesQuarterly Credit Score TrackerIdentity Consultation ServicesComplete Identity Restoration Including Financial Medical Social Security IRS CriminalSpouse or Significant Other and up to Eight Minor Children Covered Under the Family PlanFive Million Dollar Service Guarantee.



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