Positional Release Technique in Holland Landing East Gwillimbury

Positional Release Technique also known as PRT is a gentle indirect technique of moving the body or body part away from the painful point or area of restriction and towards the position of greatest comfort or ease. The position of ease is where the point should no longer be tender. Position is held for 60-90 seconds. Often when the tissue is held in a position of ease circulation improves (temporarily) in the surrounding tissues and muscle tone is decreased. It can positively affect change in soft tissues as well as joints. In this time the patient can feel vibration pulsation heat and pain will lessen or go away. There will be a sense of lengthening and relaxation in the tissues. The position of ease should decrease the pain by at least 70% once the release is felt.Indications that will improve with Positional Release Technique Extreme pain and restricted muscles and joints (acute or chronic) Degenerative spinal and joint conditions including arthritis Post traumatic pain and dysfunction (whiplash strain sport injuries etc.) Post-surgical pain and dysfunction Fragile tissue (advanced osteoporosis) Repetitive strain conditions Fibromyalgia Headaches Pediatric conditions- torticollis Respiratory conditions that would benefit from normalizing breathing muscles ribs and spinal restrictions Neurological conditions- addressing dysfunction after stroke brain injury multiple sclerosis or other degenerative neural conditions To book your appointment to get started with the positional release technique in Holland Landing visit us online



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