Our premium Memory Foam on top is well supported by our strong pocket springs at the bottom. It s like sleeping on cloud but you don t feel sunken at all. We have proudly achieved Soft on top strong support at bottom by perfectly tuning the firmness of springs and density of foams. On top of that our Memory Foam is also infused with Cool Gel to keep you cool during summer nights and wake up refreshed.Goodbye cheap mattresses Hello Deep Dream Features -34cm thick Organic cotton knitted fabric 100% natural latex Cool Gel Infused Memory Foam - Ultra deep comfort Natural elasticity Regulate temperature for the optimal sleep experience Ventilated to increase air flow High density foam 5 Zone pocket spring ZERO partner disturbance Hypo-allergenic materials 99% dust-mite resistant ZERO harmful chemical Specification - Firmness 6 10 Medium Firm Thickness 34cm King Single 107 x 203 X 34 Double 137 X 188 X 34 Queen 153 X 203 X 34 King 183 x 203 x 34 Certification CertiPUR-US OEKO-TEX and STC Certificate Package Content -1 X Memory Foam Mattress -34 CM



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