Shop Custom Printed Polyester Fabric

Custom print designs is a custom digital textile printing company with its factory located in China. Custom print designs is a digital textile printing services provider company and fabric product manufacturer providing digital printing services on Polyester Cotton Viscose Nylon Silk Modal Lycra Rayon and Linen has latest technology digital printing machines in our facility which is in China the hub of textile industry of China which enables Custom Print Designs to become a affordable low cost producer and eventually differentiates us from other major textile mills and big digital printing service provider companies of the world.Our team of talented fabric printing designers works regularly to develop new fresh fabric fashion prints. Our surface design applications are mainly for fashion but not limited and are also suitable for use on upholstery drapery paper products beauty packaging accessories interiors and more. Our ready to purchase fabric prints from the Design Library are competitively priced in repeat and ready to print today. At Digital Fabrics we provide custom fabric printing services for domestic and commercial interiors. We have a great range of carefully sourced fabrics for drapery upholstery and any other interior decor essentials. Our fabrics are of high quality and suitable for domestic and commercial use.



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