Aftr Mdnght Music Productions

Please do not email text or call me for collaborations. For collaborations contact me on Instagram at (at)aftr_mdnght. FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE ME FOR THE EXACT PRICE. Serious Inquiries Only Hello I m an up-and-coming music producer and DJ. I m a self taught music producer based in Fayetteville NC but is from Savannah GA. I was in the band marching band for almost 6 years. My main instrument was the Clarinet (won all county) and I taught myself how to play the tenor sax for 1 year of marching band. I eventually decided to quit because it wasn t about having fun first and then winning anymore. I ended up joining numerous clubs and started creating my own music. I can produce music in these styles Electronica EDM House Techno Trap And many more What I will need to start A sample track. (A track that sounds similar to what you are looking for) Where will the music be used Any additional files I might need when creating the song. (Example recorded vocals that need an instrumental created for a video that needs background music etc...) (PLEASE NO BACKGROUND NOISE THUMPING ETC....) As much detail as possible or let me know if you want me to create it however I want to. Personal songs created s track 4txFvcNlJDHslcx2Dn9Tdt s video 22665 s revisions cb564d83-7a11-e911-9f2a-00155d77cb96 Websites s nghtowlz s aftrmdnght



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