Country Partner and Line Dance Lessons with Sonia and Ric

The City of Myrtle Beach is having Beginner Country Partner Tuesdays 7 to 8 45 pmMaintain and improve your level of fitness which provides a terrific outlet to enjoy excercising and staying in shape. This is an opportunity to stay physically active.COUNTRY PARTNER LESSONS BeginnersNot looking to compete just to have fun and dance with your partner then this class is for you. LINE DANCING Lite Intermediate A great class to update form beginner routines. Thursdays 10 to 12 noonBEGINNERS Thursdays 12 noon to 2 pm Bascis beginner steps will be taught and you will be dancing beginner dances the very first class.Make new friends and excerise at the same time. It s easy for the beginner to learn and it offfers energetic and complex routines for the more experienced dancer.Swipe a card for Residents 23.00 Non residents 40.00 each class is two hours. FIRST CLASS IS FREE Robert H. Reed Center 800 Gabreski Lane M.B. 29577Sonia 843 945 1061 email dancerus.ric.sonia(at) are on going all year long)



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