Install 8ft LED Tube For Increase Your Employees Productivity

In addition to the handsome salary and other perks you need to provide a comfortable and relaxed environment for your employees so that they can work in a more productive way. The lights you install inside your office play a very crucial role in increasing the mood of your staff members and proper and sufficient lights can make them work in a happier way. For the same purpose you can use LED Integrated Tube as they will give you energy effective results and will help in growing your business. One such type of light is an 8ft 60w LED Integrated Tube Light Fixture.Benefits of using LED Integrated Tubes are as follows The lumen output of these integrated tubes is 7800 with a color temperature of 6500K that makes the surroundings more productive. Also these integrated tubes are backed with high-efficiency power LED Driver that have higher power factor. You will get 5 years of manufacturer warranty in addition to 30 days return policy on buying these lights. These LED Tubes are made up of 100% recyclable material that will not affect the environment also once installed you can use them for more than 50 000 hours. The integrated tubes are fully compatible with ceiling and wall mounting and you can fix than in any way. The CRI of more than 80 will make the objects more real and natural. So ensure that your employees are working in a productive way by installing these DLC certified led integrated tubes that will give you attractive rebates from the electric companies as well.



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