1998 Case IH 9370 Tractors

1998 Case IH 9370 Tractor For Sale in Rushville Indiana 46173 Get ready to maximize your efforts in the field with this 1998 Case IH 9370 Tractor. This durable tractor has been very well maintained which has enabled its work ready condition. It comes fully loaded with options and features that are perfect for any hard-working individual. Highlights Include 24.5 X 32 Front Dual Tires At 70 Percent 24.5 X 32 Rear Dual Tires At 70 Percent Front Weights Air Heat Radio 360 Horsepower 4WD Power Quad 12 Forward Speeds 2 Reverse Speeds Differential Lock All Rubber In Good Condition Paint In Good Condition 10 Inch Length 100 Inch Width 10 Inch Height 30 000 Pounds And With 7 048 Hours You Can Rest Assured That This 9370 Will Be Hard At Work For Many Years To Come This 1998 Case IH 9370 Tractor is ready to get to work for you. It is field ready and eager to help you start generating revenue right away. If you are someone who appreciates quality equipment at a fraction of the cost than you owe it to yourself to check out this 1998 Case IH 9370 Tractor. Don t miss out on this amazing opportunity to gain industry success because this tractor is priced to sell. Call today for more information on how you can put this industrious 1998 Case IH 9370 Tractor to work for you



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