Use the best LED UFO High Bay Lights for having the Perfect Visi

Many times we spend a lot of dollars to give the residential and commercial building of ours an elegant and beautiful entrance but are unable to do justice with our hard-earned money. Then in that case we can use 200W LED UFO High Bay Lights to have that entrance that we always dreamt of creating. Moreover you can remove all the dark spots effectively along with decreasing the safety threats as well. Among many Led high bay lights You can use a 200W LED UFO High Bay Lights to enjoy beneath advantages You can replace a 550W MH fixture with these high bay lights and can save 310W of energy per fixture. Now you can imagine how much it will give you savings it opting as the outdoor security lights. Also the Color Temperature of this high bay light is 4000K that makes it perfect for the indoor commercial space. Produces 29 000 Lumens and the Lumen Efficacy is 130 Lumens per watt these high bay lights with more brightness than any other light of the same kind. Use them for more than 6 years. The fixture of these outdoor lights can be easily hook-mounted on the ceiling of the space which reduces the installation time to just one-fifth of what traditional fixtures consume. Use these lights with the freedom to adjust the brightness as per your comfort the dimming feature ranges from 0V to 10V. Comes with a wider beam angle of 120 Degree that allows you to cover the larger and bigger place effectively with the removal of all the dark spots. So use this 200W LED UFO High Bay Lights to make the outer locations of the buildings more beautiful without damaging the environment at all.



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