Marketing leads is the biggest appointment setting company in the world when it comes down to storm related damages. we dominate when it comes down to reaching the homeowners that live in affected areas by any type of natural disasters such as hail storms wind storms hurricanes floods tornado and wildfires throughout the whole U.S.Helping the affected homeowners to restore their homes into its original conditions after they have been affected by a natural disasters.WHAT WE NEED We re looking for money-hungry passionate and motivated English speakers with a minimum English level of 90% who is responsible and serious about MAKING IT HAPPEN WE OFFER 2 000MXN A week for easy to reach BONUSES Unlimited Commissions Weekly ON TIME Deposits Best Commision Pay Paid Training Weekly Paychecks Law Benefits IMSS Weekly bonuses 5 000 Referral bonus ) BRING A FRIEND Location We have 2 offices in GDL one in Chapultpepc Country Agua BlancaEste trabajo es para Agentes telefonicos que hablan 90% de ingles y tienen disponibilidad para trabajar 48hrs a la semana.



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