Senior Accounting Officer

s jobopeningsjobs(at) m Senior Accounting Officer needs 7 years of experience and background in General ledgerSenior Accounting Officer requires Job Costing strong Excel skills Oracle Candidate needs to come from Large Corporate background handling millions in spend. CPA preferred (but not a must) Experience with ERP ledgers systems is preferred (Oracle Baan SAP JDE) familiarity with Sarbanes Oxley Public Accounting experience Senior Accounting Officer duties Responsible for assisting in the day-to-day maintenance of a complete and accurate general ledger and in preparing basic financial reports. The individual in this position will work with the Controllership team to perform accounting duties including but not limited to (i) reviewing monthly account reconciliations (ii) ensuring that the existing accounting processes and policies are carried out as intended (iii) supporting future systems implementation (iv) driving process improvement by identifying inefficiencies and proposing viable solutions and (v) leading or participating in other projects as identified by Controllership management. assist in maintaining internal control environment. Interact with external and internal auditors on a regular basis. This role may include supervising mentoring other staff and senior accountants. some key behaviors skills for successful individuals include sense of ownership work ethic ability to problem solve independently and with others leadership skills strong communication skills ability work under stress deadline decision making.



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