Treatment for Neck Pain Advance Spine Surgery

Neck or cervical spine is formed by seven highly mobile cervical vertebras. Except cervical vertebra 1 and 2 all other cervical vertebras are joined by an intervertebral disc. Cervical vertebras are quite small as compared to the weight of the head which it has to carry. As like any machine which has a high mobility with heavy load cervical spine has a high rate of wear and tear. Usually in fourth and fifth decades of life people experience occasional neck pain on exertion - we commonly name it as Spondylosis. Spondylosis pain may refer along the back of your head shoulder girdlle. Sometime there is aggravated neck pain along with shoulder blade pain or unilateral arm pain- this might be caused by cervical slip disc. Lower cervical spine most commonly got affected by slip disc.Contact Us Narayana Superspeciality Hospital Howrah120 1 Andul Road Near Nabanna Howrah Kolkata West Bengal 711103Phone 033 7120 5050Mobile 6290 967 376 (9am to 8pm)Email susmit.naskar(at)yahoo.comWebsite



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