MARINE SEAFOOD INC. is seeking FT Wholesale Buyers.

MARINE SEAFOOD INC. is seeking F T Wholesale Buyers.Position Wholesale BuyersTerms of employment Full-time PermanentWage 24.05 28.00 hour (depending on Experience)Hours 30 40 hours per weekBenefits 4% vacation pay or 10 days paid vacation per year Extended medical insuranceJob Duties Study market reports and sales promotion goods Choose and buy merchandise for resale Talk with main suppliers and negotiate prices discounts credit terms and transportation arrangements Oversee distribution of merchandise to outlets Maintain adequate stock levels Establish and maintain contact with suppliers Provide friendly customer service Review requirements of establishment and determine quantity and type of merchandise to purchase Supervise and oversee work of other staffsJob requirements 2-3 years of experience in wholesale establishmentEducational Requirements Completion of secondary school is required.Language Requirements EnglishNumber of Positions 2Location Delta BCCompany information MARINE SEAFOOD INC.Contact Person Fred S. LeeEmail address marine.recruit(at)yahoo.comBusiness address 118-6951 72 St Delta BC V4G 0A2



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