Alfred - Male Boxer

This handsome 2-yo Boxer boy is seeking an active forever family with a yard and possibly a playful buddy to hang out with. His family will soon be moving from a house into an apartment and they don t want to see him cooped up in an apartment all day he LOVES hanging out in their yard now whenever they are away for work. Alfred is good with dogs and kids. He currently lives with two little girls and other small dogs. He does not do well when confined to a kennel or a confined space like a laundry room. He does not become destructive but he is very stressed when left in those spaces and will pant and drool. He currently spends his days in the yard patio when his people are away form the home. His family has taken him to off-leash parks and to the beach said he LOVED it He will continue to be fostered by them (in the La Mesa area) until he is re-homed. We completed a medical intake at Mission Animal & Bird Hospital last week he s already neutered UTD on vaccinations and he s ready to go We d love to help find him an active family that will take him out for fun adventures and someone who is Boxery savvy in helping him with his mild separation anxiety. He would LOVE to have another dog buddy to keep him company too Is that you Please submit adoption application to -X(at)------XX or use our online application on our website at -X -----X.- . ... More Info



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