Leia - Female Boxer

If you re looking for a gorgeous brindle Boxer gal with the best personality be sure to come out and meet Leia She was recently pulled from the Carlsbad shelter after the shelter medical staff became concerned over her blood test results. Originally their lab results gave a reading that showed that Leia had very low platelet levels in her blood which made her not a suitable candidate for being spayed. Well in true LCAL form we brought her in to our care and immediately ran several tests on her all of which showed her levels were all within normal limits. She has been great with other dogs and every person she meets And just look at that gorgeous brindle coat She has been spending some time at one of our volunteer s home and they have reported that she is wonderful no issues with barking potty training anxiety etc. She s smart lovable and SO wants to have companionship Contact -X(at)------XX for more info. Applications on our website. -X -----X.- ... More Info



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