Caspian - Male American Staffordshire Terrier Mix

Thanks for stopping by to visit. I am a handsome young boy just 7 months old looking for a home that will offer me some training and reward my love with treats. I try real hard to be a good boy. Despite my youth I am not mouthy at all. I take my treats very gently. I respectfully let you collar me for a walk although it is hard to contain my happiness at going for a walk. I walk pretty well and will do much better after some training. I love to cuddle close while you pet me. Oh and I might try to smother you with kisses. I really LOVE people. My photographer tried to get some good pictures of me with my beautiful ears up but I was a little too fast for her (I think). There were a lot of interesting sounds to look at while we were outside and the camera was not interesting enough. She may have snuck a few good pictures though - she was pretty good. If you re looking for a pup to raise as your own and promise training and treats I am your guy. Primary Color Black Secondary Color White Weight 46 Age 0yrs 7mths 4wks... More Info



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