Cindy-Lou - Female Dutch Shepherd Mix

Adoption fee on this dog is 300. Cindy-Lou is an adorable petite Dutch shepherd mix. At about four years old she weighs in at about 42lbs. Cindy-Lou was found by a good Samaritan who kept her a couple weeks while trying to find the owner then surrendered her to a local shelter so not much is known about her background. Cindy-Lou is a bundle of energy and loves to play play play with a couple of her foster brothers. You would never know she is only half their size as she seems to get the best of them. After a proper introduction Cindy-Lou has gotten along with all of the large dogs in her foster home but no small dogs or other small furry critters for this girl. Cindy-Lou likes to play ball but is easily distracted by flying insects or other more interesting things. Cindy-Lou seems to know some basic commands and once she calms down she does settle into a bed in the living room in the evenings. She walks nicely on a leash and would be a great running or hiking partner. Cindy-Lou still jumps up a lot and is learning that is not acceptable but for the moment she may be too much for a home with small children. Cindy-Lou rides nicely in the car and sleeps quietly in her crate at night. From time to time she does think she is a lap dog and will try to curl up in your lap or try to snuggle with you in bed. Cindy-Lou is a very busy girl and needs an active household that can meet her exercise needs and continue to socialize and train her. She wouldn t mind a large tolerant dog-brother to play with. She will be an excellent companion for the person who is willing to put some time and effort into her. NO CATS OR SMALL FURRY CRITTERSThis dog is a Level 3. Please be sure you understand what a dog of this Level requires. Go to our GCGSR Dogs page for an explanation of the Dog Rating Levels. For more information and to see when this dog will be attending an Adoption Day please see our Dogs page on our main website at -.-XX.-. Thank you for visiting ... More Info



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