MINNIE - Female Rat TerrierChihuahua Mix

Minnie was originally surrendered to Antioch shelter by a family who didn t want to give her up but faced eviction if they didn t. She got sick at the shelter and was transferred to another shelter and from there came to our adoption group. When we looked through the records we found a sweet handwritten note stapled to the back of other documents - no one at the shelters had even seen them. They described how much this little dog was loved how well behaved she was how much of a loved companion she had been to the kids in the family. It is heartbreaking to realize how many shelter dogs come from families who really treasure their pets and are forced to give them up.Our foster home says Minnie is a dream dog - loving crate trained good on leash and very devoted. She is a little fearful of men and does bark a little but stops if told to.This is a great little dog ... More Info



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