Jay Jay - Male Boston Terrier Mix

I m Jay Jay a big personality in a 21-pound body with the cutest underbite you ever did see I never meet a stranger and am so happy with my people that I wiggle and waggle everything I have. I am getting along well with the other dogs in my foster home. I have not had a single accident and my foster mom is pretty sure I am completely house trained. At first I wasn t a fan of the crate but I have learned to settle in now and I sleep quietly through the night. I love toys of any kind and will toss them around to entertain myself. I get the zoomies and like to run in the back yard. There is very little tweaking to do with me. How do such fun and great dogs end up in a shelter All I know is I am happy Habitat 4 Paws saved me. I look forward to my forever home - maybe with you If so email -X(at)-----X. Because we require home visits we only adopt locally to the Dallas Fort Worth area. For more on adoption policies please see the Adopt page of our website -.----.-.... More Info



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